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    Debunking The Myths and Intimidation of Business Plans

    We are redefining the traditional definition of a Business Plan. A written Business Plan is an essential resource that entrepreneurs should use to manage, develop and grow their business to fulfill short-term and long-term goals. Here are some of our convictions:

    A Business Plan is…


    A Road Map To Success:
    We do not believe that business plans should only be written to capture the attention of an investor. We believe in a type of business plan that is written for the entrepreneur to create a road map or game plan for their business. A strategic and scientific approach to business planning exposes issues that might have otherwise been concealed, so the entrepreneur can address them before launching a company or developing a marketing or growth plan. It’s the difference between having a clear path and having a blurry lack of plan.

    A Continual Implementation Reboot Plan:
    Business plans are all about “business planning” and should not only be written to “start a company”. You use a business plan to plan the best strategies to move your company, and it must be an ongoing force that shapes and reinforce the life cycle of conducting business. Therefore, your plan should be written in such a way to continuously revamp your business readiness and effectiveness to meet changes in your market and industry. It should be a flexible written guide, because it is a tool that you use to continue to gauge and sharpen your business to peak performance. This is necessary so your company can explore new trends and keep abreast of metrics, growth goals and industry changes to thrive and grow stronger.

    A Customer-Centered Strategy:
    We believe that if you focus on your mission and have it centered on your passion and customers, then you can have a solid, sustainable and profitable business. Businesses who are only focused on profits 100% of the time will not survive. In fact, this type of focus in the changing environment in which we now live is becoming a thing of the past. More and more businesses are seeing their profits diminish and realize that they need to take a more customer-centered mission and social responsibility more seriously in order to survive and grow. Turning a company around does require a different system and financial perspective, one that lays the foundation for social and customer satisfaction activities as well as everything else that drives profits.

    A Clear Unique Selling Proposition:
    Companies who succeed without a written business plan has one thing in common, the unique value they bring to the marketplace. The one thing that they have clear is their unique selling proposition, the unparalleled value and differentiation. However, most businesses do not know how to successfully target and refine their unique or disruptive value, which is actually the main goal of The New4P™. So, if you want to really understand and map out your value, The New4P™ is for you, because it does that: provide you with a unique value proposition to stand out and appeal to the right customers.

    A Simple Action Plan:
    A business plan should never be written to answer every single question either. It should be enough to cover the main points that bring value and uniqueness to the marketplace. In fact, we have plans that can be as short as one page that would suffice for some business to follow. Our Biz Plans are simple, cuts to the chaste and not a long drawn out complicated “manuscript” like the traditional business plans that no one likes writing or following.

    Our Biz Plan Equation = Sales Growth Strategies (Idea+Market Value+Industry Advantage+People+Marketing)

    So simple, yet effective!

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