Are you curious about WordPress? Countless bloggers already use WordPress. Learning how to use WordPress is not a difficult task. Professional and novices alike use it. Keep reading to learn more to improve your WordPress skills and knowledge.
Make sure that you do not choose the same design as everyone else that has a WordPress site. Although creating an individual design takes more time, it will make your website look more personalized. You want to differentiate your website by enhancing the uniqueness of your business.
Take some time to familiarize yourself with all the tools and options available to you when blogging with WordPress. Spend time to click on menu options and see where that takes you. Use this for many formatting options.
WordPress can help you include video blogging on your site. This will require you to make special preparations, but it will be worth the effort. Many internet users enjoy visuals. A video is just able to do so much more than the written word can when it comes to communication.
If you’re serious about keeping up with your blog, make a posting schedule for yourself. If you schedule when things must be posted, you’re more likely to actually post them. You can actually make all of your posts for a week in one day. You can then schedule it so WordPress will upload some of these posts at a later date.
Sometimes you may spend a lot of time adjusting your WordPress blog and then mistakenly think none of your changes have been saved. That’s most likely false. Clear your cache to see if it will fix the problem. Just hold the ‘shift’ key when you refresh your browser to see the changes.
You must specify if you want your post to appear in other than chronological order. If you want to rearrange some posts, you will have to modify the date of your post. Upon opening one of the posts, you can view the date in the right-hand top corner. Click and change the date, then save the post. This changes where its position will be.
Are there a lot of commenters to your posts? If they do, it can be quite a chore for you and your readers to comb through all of them. Use a plugin to insert page numbers in the comments area. This navigational tool will save time and make your site look organized.
You can improve search engine rankings if you take some time with your pictures while you’re uploading them. Always create alternate text and title tags for your images. Your title will show up if someone “pins” that image to Pinterest.
Don’t use “admin” for your username. Bots are more likely to attack a blog that has “administrator” or “admin” as a username. This is a security risk. Take a look at the users page to get rid of any names such as “admin” or even “administrator.” Choose something that is more difficult.
Once you learn WordPress, your blog is going to be astoundingly professional in appearance and ease of use. You do not need much for getting started. There are many online and print resources to help you make an awesome website or blog. Take advantage of everything that’s out there.