A good way to learn how to make money, potentially whenever you want, is through web design. When you know how to make sites, you can make them for yourself or others. You can do all of this in your spare time.
Put a tagline on your site. These are statements or mottos that express the purpose of your business. It’s important to use a tagline that is clear since you have about eight seconds when someone goes to your page to get them interested in exploring your entire website.
Add pictures to your site to make it look better Your own pictures will make your website more friendly and inviting. People will take more time browsing your site and looking at pictures.
Try making navigation as clear and easy as possible. Navigation links help ensure a visitor can successfully navigate the website. The navigational structure must be neat, consistent, and easy to access for your users to have a better experience.
Your site’s files sizes are all affected by things like your graphics, and all of those can affect your site’s loading speed. GIFs and JPGs are your best choice for graphics. Web graphics look better when they are made from PNG and BMP files, but they take up much more disk space. By converting your graphics, you can help speed up load times.
Make your website as fast as possible. If visitors must wait a long time for something to load, they will want to leave the site. Speed your website up by having less scripts running, few graphics, minimal amount of flash, use SSI files, tweak the HTML, use server side caching, and lessen the amount of CSS and JS coding.
Explore your website with different browsers and computer systems. A given web browser will interpret a website differently than another one will, and sometimes the differences are quite drastic. There are a number of resources that you can use to determine what popular web browsers should be tested. Check how your site behaves on all the major browsers for both PCs and mobile devices.
If you feel stuck, do some Google searches to find out how others worked through it. If you need inspiration, browse some of the other websites out there. Find one you like, figure out why it’s appealing, and decide what you can use and improve in your own. Remember that proper web designing is more than borrowing ideas. Take those ideas and improve them.
If you have a number of website ideas in mind, it is wise to purchase a domain name right away. Show your creativity and choose what you want, but you must reserve it as soon as you can to have it for later. A surprising number of people will eventually come up with many of the same ideas you have, so the person who nails down the name first may be the ultimate winner. Many creative people think alike.
With everything you’ve learned here, you should now know more about web design. Just be sure to use all that you learned to the best of your ability and before you know it, you’ll be a web design pro.